Sunday 18 November 2012

Maven: Now with Colour™ !


I'm an command-line kinda guy. GUIs didn't event exist when I was a kid. When I use Maven it's often from the command-line. A curious thing happens when you run Maven from the CLI more than 3 times in a row. You slowly lose the ability to read those useful little symbols that we affectionately refer to as "the alphabet", your eyes begin to ache and you start to wonder who's really in control: you or your eyelids, the list oozes on. The reason for this is that you get a lot of information as the build runs, and more importantly it's all the same colour, usually bright white on black depending on your terminal config. Things get really hard to see and it takes a lot of precious concentration and brain-juice to decipher the results. Usually this is because you're searching for 1 particular line out of 100 or so with no real visual hints. I don't like it. My brain may well just be getting old or maybe I'm just working too much lately but I find that I don't really have much brainpower to spare, especially when you're in the middle of a problem with a large context. Don't like it.

So I wrote a script.
Get it here:

The great thing about Linux is that you can treat nearly everything as either a file (like /dev and /proc, awesome!) or a pipeline. By simply piping Maven output through a processor (while being careful not to block) you can apply colour all over the place by using some smart regex to insert strings that the terminal parses in order to allow user control over various terminal attributes, in this case: colour. (See ANSI escape codes on Wikipedia for more info.) Now I'm not the first person to take this approach, but the great thing is that because these scripts are so easy to write, anyone can create or customise one for their own personal needs.

My script uses said approach to do the following:
  • Clear the screen before running.
  • Highlight the name of each Maven phase and the plugin & goal responsible.
  • Colour the number of test passes, failures, errors.
  • Colour the test classes & methods of test failures and errors.
  • Colour Maven warnings & errors.
  • Highlight total build success / failure.
  • Remove that bunch of shit you get at the end of failed Maven builds. When Maven fails (or tests fail) it dumps a bunch of info that basically amounts to "Try using -e or -X else here's our website." Ok for beginners maybe but I don't need to see it all the time. I have "mvn -help" and Google if I need them.
Now that feature-set might not sound like much but makes a world of difference. It turns my frown upside down. Twice! (Hey...but that means-

Here are some screenshots:

Coloured Maven when things are happy

Coloured Maven when things go wrong

Thursday 1 November 2012

Rant: Stupid Maven

I'm back in the Java world again, and already I'm annoyed. The Ruby world isn't without its problems but Ruby problems are generally much easier to solve when they do appear. You generally don't end up wanting to punch the screen and scream "give my life baaaack!" (Thor's internals get me close though.)

Today's problem: Maven.
Now, I've been a big fan and advocate of Maven for years. Therefore, upon returning to the Java world I happily sought out my good friend Maven and started using it immediately with my new project. ...Only to have problem... after problem... after problem... So now I'm going to vent.

  • TO DEPLOY to a local instance of Nexus you need to plonk big blob of shit (ie. XML) in every single project POM file. Adding <distrubutionManagement> in user profile's settings.xml doesn't work. WTF! In Maven-land, any artifact can be deployed to any repository so long as the repo configuration allows it. A beauty of Maven is the interoperability of artifacts & repositories, this is, a project that can deploy to Maven Central can also deploy to an intranet Nexus or Artifactory; no code needs to change; the protocol is standard. Forcing the storage of repo settings alongside the project's build instructions doesn't seem very bright to me. It's nice... but how to build a project should depend on where a project's gonna go after its built (especially when there's no impact on build anyway). In reality they are separate concerns but the system doesn't allow that separation. If repo info could be stored in either project or user-profile settings so that people could decide based on the project circumstances then fine, but as it stands currently, it is infuriatingly not the case and not supported.
  • SO, NOW to make things work, I need to have the same parent pom for all of my projects that I plan to deploy to my local Nexus. The alternative would be to copy & paste the same 20 lines or so of XML into each project: umm no. What's annoying about this is a) it's something else to maintain (as opposed to settings.xml which wouldn't have to be deployed or available as an artifact), b) it introduces a new dependency (literally, not runtime) to all my projects now, great; and c)  Maven poms use single-inheritence -- no mixins; to inherit from a different parent I have more stuffing around to do. Bad architecture. Annoying.
  • Parent POMs (multi-module or standalone) allow you to configure plugins, however those plugin settings aren't automatically inherited in child projects. For settings I think you need to redeclare the plugin in the child project (not 100%, I don't even care anymore). What really bugs me is that version specifications are not inherited. WTF GUYS! So if I have a multi-module project (and I tried this) where in I declare the version of a plugin in the parent pom, the child does not use the specified version of the project. OMG. I tried with <inherited>true</inherited>, I tried in both <plugins> and <pluginManagement>, it doesn't matter. Now I guess I'm supposed to declare the versions in as properties and specify plugin versions in every single child module instead? Not only am I averse to duplication for the obvious reasons, but now my pom files are all massive! Now I googled this and apparently this is deliberate because "you should always specify specific versions, inheriting versions is evil and disallowed", yada yada. Yep, well it's one thing in the context of isolated projects but in the context of multiple modules comprising a single project, it's the opposite. The modules are components that are meant to be built together to create a larger system. Declaring certain plugin versions at project-scope is entirely reasonable and has many advantages. Secondly, when you don't specify a plugin version, where does it come from? The build still works so it's coming from somewhere, right? It comes from the Maven super POM which is like a template that all poms inherit. In it, default plugin versions are specified left-right-and-centre, and they are inherited and used without explicit specification or "evil" consequences (although there are some unless the release plugin has been updated to hardcode all plugin vers in child poms during release - haven't used it in a few  years). Double standards.
  • Finally XML. Come on. It's 2012. XML has always been a tedious, ugly, unacceptably verbose format. The reasons that made it appealing in 1998 are no longer valid in my opinion. Especially not in the context of pom.xml. One the best things about Maven is that you don't have to write a bunch of crap for every project in order to get it to build in an automated fashion; Maven allows you to simply say "I'm blah v1.0 and I need v2 of X and v3.4 of Y to build. See ya!" and it takes care of the rest so long as you follow its standards. Add a few dependencies though and add a single command (argLine) to surefire (the Maven testing plugin) and you're looking at over 100 lines of XML. Writing everything manually in Ant would only come to about 80 or so and it uses XML too! There was a project called Maven Polygot a while back that was supposed to allow the pom to work in different formats but it seems dead or at least progressing slowly enough that it is moot anyway. Progress is pretty generally slow in Maven-land. Point: In this day and age I resent having to use XML almost anywhere. Have you ever filled in a form by hand, a tax return, a car rego, and seen:
    Phone Number: ________________ /Phone Number
    I haven't. I really dislike XML and I'm glad it's finally starting to trend away. Look at how concise things could be: